First Year
What You Need to Know About Your Baby’s Hearing
Hearing is one of the first senses to develop, and in most babies is fully developed long before they are born. Because an infant’s hearing is so keen
First Year
Baby Hiccups: Why they Happen and How to Treat Them
Nearly everyone has experienced hiccups. While hiccups can be annoying, they are rarely a sign of something serious, especially in babies.
First Year
How To Tell If Your Baby is Getting Enough Breast Milk?
New breastfeeding moms often wonder if their baby is getting enough breast milk. Unlike formula or expressed milk placed into a bottle, there are no measurement
First Year
Can I Hold My Baby Too Much?
There is something uniquely wonderful about snuggling a baby in your arms. They’re soft, they smell good, and they provide unconditional love.
First Year
Colic in Babies: Causes & Remedies
Colic is a word often associated with newborns and babies. You may have heard that a colicky baby is fussy or has difficulty sleeping, but what exactly
First Year
Common Causes of Dry Skin in Babies: Prevention and Remedies
Dry, peeling and even itchy skin is common among newborns and babies. A baby’s skin is incredibly delicate and sensitive and can easily be irritated by
First Year
Baby Constipation: What Causes It and How to Help
Like adults, babies and toddlers can become constipated and experience tummy problems, but when they do, they may not know how to alert you to their discomfort.
First Year
Baby Gas: What Causes It and Tips to Relieve It
When your baby isn’t feeling their best, it can be challenging to discover the cause of their discomfort. Discovering the cause of their upset is difficult
First Year
Babies and Vitamin D
Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is an essential nutrient all people need. However, most people do not get enough Vitamin D, and at different
First Year
Newborn Poop: What to expect
Becoming a new parent means talking and thinking about poop a lot. Your baby’s poop can tell you a lot about their health and is frequently discussed on